Tuesday, May 27, 2014

School Update!

Left to right.
Back Row: Chase (USATexas), Ben (Canada), Me, Elijah (USANorth Carolina), Richard (school leader, England/Perth), Lukas (Switzerland)

Middle Row: Noemi (Germany), Tayla (Australia), Yasmin (Scotland), Rachel(Australia), Katelyn (USA – West Virginia), Ally (USAMaine), Marisol (Peru), Kiryn (Australia), Bridget (school staff, outreach leader, USA - Cali)

Front Row: Jenni (school staff, outreach leader, Australia), Macey (USATexas), Tyla (South Africa), Annie (USAMinnesota), Christel (Canada), Jess and daughter Clara (original school leader)

Hey everyone!

I hope things are going well in the States! I miss you all so much, it is such a shocking feeling sometimes that I am on the opposite side of the world. Perth is similar to big cities in America so I forget I am so far away sometimes, but then I get in a car and I am on the left side of the road and it hits me where I am!
I want to apologize that it has been so long since I have sent out any sort of email. I have really been convicted of that and I need to be more consistent. The first thing that I want to say is that I am so thankful for the support in prayer and finances. It has been a huge blessing. Then hearing about how you all have been praying and thinking about Marissa and I has been a huge encouragement. I think I can speak for the both us and say that we are so thankful to have such a supportive family back home. Hearing others’ stories after being here of what they went through to get here has been eye opening to how blessed that I am to have you guys.
Week 7 of the lecture phase has just finished here, time isn’t going by fast or going by slow, it has been just right. I am going to give a little run down of how the weeks have been. Each week we cover a different topic, with a different speaker. So it is really refreshing each time a new one starts and with someone new teaching. It adds so much variety and really helps students that learn better from different teaching styles.

Week #1 “Hearing the Voice of God”

Our Speaker for this week was Jess Eriksen. She was originally going to be the leader of my school because she was the one who pioneered at this campus, but she became pregnant and was going to have her child during our lecture phase. So, the school got handed over to Richard Blake who is now our leader. This week was an amazing opening to rest of the months. The biggest thing that I learned this week was that God speaks to everyone differently and I learned how He communicates with me. God always wants to meet you where you’re at and will never speak in a way that you won’t be able to understand. You might not get the answer you want right away (or at all), or you may have to pray through a situation multiple times, but he is always communicating to you and working with you. This week really tested my patience with the Lord and convicted me of how much time I gave him throughout my week. Another thing that I learned is that sin is a relationship breaker. Sin breaks relationships with others and also destroys and hinders your relationship with God. Sin causes great hindrances to your communication with the Lord, and gives the enemy foothold to block your hearing. So if you are ever wondering why it is difficult to hear what is being spoken to you, one of the best things to do is look at where your hindrances might be. This was a perfect way to begin the adventure because it really set my focus on him. It showed me what type of commitment I was going to have to have to grow in the ways that I was really wanting and to see myself move into the man that he wants me to be.

Week #2 “Nature and Character of God”

The speaker that we had for this week was Anna Davis. Anna is leader of the Biblical Core Coarse here on base. That school goes into detail about the bible and studies it from cover to cover to discuss the context that it was written in to bring more understanding. She was very intelligent and having her knowledge of biblical context available to us was so helpful to answer some difficult questions. This week we went through Genesis and Exodus, and for most of the time we focused on the fall of man. We studied God’s heart, and learned about his original intentions for the Earth and for his creation, what his motivations are, and what His personality is like. We dissected the different events that happened in those books and really picked out how God was feeling during it all. This really began to write a new picture of God in my mind. I never realized how much less I thought of him. His love his huge and his passion is massive. It’s unending! This week taught me a lot of facts about who I am serving that I had never thought about before. It showed me his vastness and the care for his people.  It also gave me a lot more understanding of Jesus, and why God sent him to redeem us. This really worked well after the teaching of the first week because it really put an image in my mind of who I am talking to. It was extremely encouraging.

Week #3 “Media, Arts, & Photography”

Since our DTS has a focus in Media, Arts, and Photography, in week 3 our class was separated into the individual streams with different speakers. I did the photography one and our speaker for that week was Dennis Fahringer. He is the school of photography leader at the YWAM base in Kona, Hawaii. This week was super fun. We learned how important it is to embrace the skills and talents that you have been given because they are unique to you and they can be used in ways that no one else can. Especially in the arts because it can be huge communicator of the Truth you hold. This can be a very effective tool in evangelism. We also went over some technical things about photography and very effective ways to travel with our gear and to be effective on missions. Photography can be a great conversation starter when on outreach. Doing different projects in countries where people don’t have photos of their families, People being able to see a quality image of themselves for the first time, all sorts of things like that. It can be a non God related thing that sparks some of the most effective conversations. This week was really encouraging to me because I realized that there is always a way to combined your relationship with God with your passions and that you do not have to give up everything that you did in your “old life” after you come into relationship with him. I cannot wait to see what types of projects that we do on our outreach. Everyone in my class is so talented in different ways; I can see some fruitful things coming from that area.

Week #4 “Worship and Intercession”

Worship and Intercession was one my favorite weeks so far. The speaker was David McDaniel. He was originally a pastor in the LA area but he eventually went into a life of missions and is now the leader of the YWAM base in Tokyo, Japan. It was amazing to see him willing and excited to travel away from his HUGE responsibilities as a leader and a father, and to come and teach a week on my school. That week we were combined with another school that is going on called the Crossroads DTS, which is geared towards parents and those over 35. It was really awesome to have them in our class. This week was really influential-it defined what praise and worship are and how important intercessory prayer is. I learned that I need to be constantly praising God by lifting him up, speaking out, and expressing his goodness. I learned that I need to come to him with a clean heart and that happens through times of praise and worship. It is also important to humble ourselves in those times so we don’t get prideful about our life. The next thing we talked about was worship. I always thought that worship was simply playing music before a Sunday church service but it is way more than that! While God tells us to rejoice and bring praise and worship in song and music, worship can occur through a number of different ways. Worship can happen through arts and creativity, dancing, media, any way that someone wants to outwardly express their appreciation of him! True worship is a time of special encounter with God that is marked by love, honor, and submission. We need to have these moments multiple times a week, alone, with a few people, and in large groups. It feels so good to be in place that loves worship and wants to be in it all the time. The next thing that we talked about was Intercession. God calls us to stand in the gap. He wants us to be the ones that listen to him then go out and work against the enemy while bringing truth to others. We learned that prayer is incredibly powerful and we should be in constant communication with God and listening to what he has to say. We should be praying for breakthrough in our own lives, in the lives of our friends and family, and in churches and nations. We want to show God our heart and he wants to bless us because he cares about our hearts. He may not immediately fix what you are praying for but he does want to hear your heart. It is also the most effective tool in spiritual warfare. The enemy has no place to mess with you especially if we stand strong in God’s love and in consistent prayer. Applying these things to my daily life has helped me grow faster and stronger. It feels incredible to be around so many people that are passionate about making these things a part of their daily life.

The Following Weekend

For a few days we went to a town south of Perth called Busselton. The cool thing about this weekend is that it was technology free! We weren’t aloud to bring any electronic devices. Sadly that’s a big deal for this generation! haha We stayed an area of coastline called, “The Holy Mile” It is called that because for a mile there many Christian camps along the beachfront. We stayed in a large hall at one of the camps! This weekend exposed a lot of things for some of my classmates and I. We all realized how much we really idolize our electronics and how high up we hold communicating online and updating our “other life” Seeing how much this had an effect on us, it really began to show how often we put God to the side and put many things of this world before him. Some other things we learned were; how often we display our issues online and wait for responses instead of bringing them to God in prayer, how it effects our true physical communication and relationships, and how technology has really caused a lot of boredom to arise creating uncomfortably when alone. Some of us struggled a lot more than others but the best part is we all realized what a problem all those things were and really approached this time with joy and the want to change. So in the midst of solitude and being alone we all came together and it really was a huge growing period individually and as a group. I loved it! I wish I could have pictures of it haha

Week #5 “Repentance and Forgiveness”

Let me start off by saying, this week was one of the most impacting weeks that I have had here. Our speaker was Caleb Brownhill. Caleb is the son of the base founders Pete and Shirley. I learned about myself so much this week. Over the week we discussed what sin/pride are and how that effects ourselves and our relationship with God. We talked about what true repentance and what that act really means and than followed that up with discussing forgiveness and what it meant when Jesus died to redeem us. At the end of the week we had a long day where all prayed through and gave all our sins to God and express the areas that we wanted to have change in our hearts and walk in a new direction. The week was very emotional, and heartbreaking to hear about all the hardships and struggles that all of my classmates had gone through. But you know this was one of the most joyful weeks because I realized that we shouldn’t be sad and dwell in the areas that we have done wrong, but we should take on God’s heart, learn to hate sin and than come to him through repentance and walk in the light! He has the ability to transform us but we just have to be willing to make the steps of faith. It’s not just about confession but it’s about being humble and walking in the opposite direction of the enemy! I absolutely loved this week and going through that process. This really changed my heart a lot and helped me overcome a lot of things that I had been struggling with for a long time now. I really liked that we did it as group and encouraged everyone to be open and transparent. I really feel that is something that is really missing from church today. There is so much guilt and shame carried on our backs that we don’t bring before God to break. Along with that there is so much fear of man, fear of judgment, about things we have done, but if we come together unified before God than we could make great advances individually but also as a church. It has been very encouraging to really gain an understanding of what God wants for us and how he really wants to see us prosper!

Week #6 “Evangelism”

The speaker that we had for this topic was Emma Blake, she is the wife of my school leader Richard but she also does so many other things around the base; leader of the Art Evangelist School, leads the design team for the base, and helps within the media department, and a variety of other jobs! Evangelism was something that I was very unfamiliar with. I always had thought Evangelism was just the act of going out in public and talking about God. I learned that it is so much more than that!! It still is preaching the gospel but there is so much depth to how you go about it and you can do it in so many ways than just walking up and talking with strangers. Since we are in the arts we focused how we can use those skills in public display to attract people into conversation and how to communicate to them and handle harsh reactions. I had so much fear in public display of the gospel. The funny thing was I don’t have an issue talking in front of crowds, but for some reason when it came down to communicating this subject it was difficult to me. I just had a fear of other people having a problem with me if I publicly shared the gospel. I was able to start to overcome that issue by just getting convicted and than thrown into doing a public preaching. Haha SCARY! It was amazing experience though, it was about the bondage of sin and how Jesus has come to cut us free and bring us into a new light. There was surprisingly large crowd and pulled quite a few people into conversation. The way that I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit was unreal. It was like halfway through the speech I immediately felt warmth and heat fill my entire body, all of the words spilled out of me, and my heart was led to speak more than the word I had originally organized. It was incredible. It is even hard for me to remember all that I said, kind of liked I blacked out for second. Such a strong adrenaline rush! Unlike any that I have experienced before.

Week #7 “Father Heart of God”

This week brought huge revelation. I didn’t really expect much from the topic at first but once lectures started and I began to see into the depth of who God is I knew that this week was going to bring up a lot. The speaker that we had for the week was Cliff Wiener, originally from the states but he now is a base leader here and works to upkeep the property and daily functions. He also leads base worship from time to time! In this week talked about God’s fatherly position in our lives and what it actually means to be a son or daughter. We main term we used was our “sonship,” This reached into stuff that I never really took to seriously. God’s grace and love, and the fact that we have it all available to us and we often push it to the side or don’t completely trust in his promises. When I found myself struggling with certain things I would end up rerouting my aggression towards him instead of really seeing that he is on our side. He will convict us, never condemn, but even in those cases it’s because he loves us and cares about our heart. This really spoke to me. Since I have been here I have been eager to grow and eager to seek, but this opened a door to a new level of growth. It opened the door to take new steps of faith and to see even larger transformation in myself. It is really encouraging to see that there is more opportunity for change and improvement. I am really starting to learn how to become completely dependent on God and how to stand strong in that. Trust, trust, trust.


I know that was a lot all at once, but thanks for reading through I tried to be brief and detailed at the same time. JUST SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED! Hopefully it got some people thinking and talking! I have learned so much here, I mean that is only a fraction of what has been covered. The staff and speakers here have been more than I could want. Everyone’s heart for the Lord is strong and God’s activity is more present than anywhere I have seen so far. It really shows how powerful things can be when a group of people come together that FULLY trust in God. Lives are changing, and miracles are happening. I am looking forward to the rest of lecture portion (about 5 more weeks). I can’t wait to learn more The weeks are long and the days are packed with so much but I love it here, but I also cannot wait to be back and share what I have learne but the one thing that I can’t believe is that there is going to be many more crazy experiences!

One last thing, like I said at the beginning I want to apologize about taking so long to send out an update about what has been going on with me. It is something that I have really been working through and feeling really convicted of. It is a time for myself to personally grow but it also isn’t all about me! I hope you hear my heart in that. I love you all so much. I am so thankful for all of the support and encouragement. It has been a huge blessing. It is really sad to see how many people have left home to come here having left loved ones or have made the difficult decision with absolutely no support. I don’t think I will take my church family for granted ever again. So please send me any emails if you want to chat and I will respond to them! I would love that! I want to thank everyone for the continuous prayer. Please keep Marissa and I in them. She is doing amazing things in her ministry. I admire her greatly. She has incredible strength to going into the brothels and bringing light to such a dark place. I foresee some amazing testimonies in the future. She has such a heart for those women, and is striving to see breakthrough in them. Please keep praying and encouraging her as she continues that work. I love and miss you all!



After the next five weeks we will be moving onto the next portion of the school, outreach! Since we have a ministry that started here called Megacities, which targets sending many missionary groups to one large city in the world for a whole year, almost everyone from our base will be visiting Kolkata, India in 2014. Crazy right?! Our school in particular has two different outreach teams that are doing two different trips. When we first heard about our options we were instructed to go pray about it individually and not speak to one another to avoid any outside influences. The first option was just India (Kolkata and Chennai) and the second option was Jakarta in Indonesia to Hong Kong and than on to Kolkata. After spending a week in prayer about this decision I came to the conclusion on the first one. Since so many people from our base have been to Kolkata this year, or are there right now, the kind of scheduled tasks are going to be pretty much following up where others have broken ground. Like watering planted seeds. I am not sure completely what that looks like but it will be things like, street ministry in slums, working with the local churches programs, teaching English, teaching basic life skills, labor work to help village conditions, etc. There are so many possibilities. Those will get more set in stone as we start to see where the previous teams have left off as the time gets closer.

Where are we really going to be in India?

Well the plan right now is to purchase a round trip flight from Perth to Chennai. After arriving there taking the train (about 30 hours) up to Kolkata, which is where we will spend the first six weeks. After that for about the next four weeks we will be making our way back south to Chennai by train. Hopefully stopping In different areas where we feel led, but even the train rides are like day and night street evangelism. We are than planning on being in Chennai for at least the last two weeks before we make our return flight to Perth. Everyone has been given the goal of having $4000 for the trip, which includes: airfare, train fare, food, necessities, and any costs of overnight stays. The price is most likely going to go lower than that, it just gives everyone and idea of what the max could be. It changes because airfare can fluctuate. As of right now that is my goal. I am still trusting for about $3500. We have a pool fund that is growing for our class, from group fundraising done here and other donations directly to our school, which will help cover student’s expenses in the last moments. It is SO encouraging to be constantly lifted up when trusting for finances. This is something that is hard for so many including myself. Allowing God to have control of this area is scary sometimes, but amazing things happen when you do. So I am completely trusting in that. We are coming up with many ways to do fundraisers in this last month and a half that will help. For example, a couple weeks ago we did a sausage sizzle (an Aussie term, basically like BQQ hot dogs) at a local hardware store for a few hours and we made about $1000 dollars! So some things like that are what we are doing to help each other out and see the numbers drop! It makes me so happy to see everyone so committed and eager to work as hard as they can.

Prayer Requests:
-          Strength and energy
-          Finances
-          My classmates and leaders
-          Safety during outreach and Evangelism
-          YWAM Perth
-          Marissa and her ministry
-          My family and friends safety
-          Living Hope Church in Dixon, CA

Some photos!!!

Photos below are by my classmate Annie:

Me taking some photos at the beach!

The first day I met all the other students in my school!

Hanging out at a staff house!

My school leader and staff!

Me working on my creative journal!

Hard discussions with Ben and Chase!

 Morning worship in our classroom!